Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to Name Your Improv Troupe

James here. A friend of mine asked on a Facebook status for tips on how to name a troupe.

Those of us who are born and bred Roving Imps know that we must always follow the Roving Imp Code: When somebody asks a question about improv, you must give your opinion! And thus, here was my answer. (Notice: all content is protected property of the Roving Imp Theater)

There are a few routes to go with this:

The "Trish Berrong" method: Pick a one-word name that has some sort of attitude, showing your audience that improv is Kool! (Kansas City examples: Tantrum, Spite)

The "Displacement" method: Pick a term from an activity that's cooler than Improv, such as a sports term or game terms. (Kansas City examples: The Trip Fives, Loaded Dice)

The "Coming to Terms" method: Pick a name that isn't cool at all and just says exactly what you're doing, as a way to show that you're not ashamed of who you are. (Kansas City examples: Comedy City, Improv-Abilities)

The "Improv Kanz be Sexy" method: Pick a name that tries to combine improv with sex appeal. Note: It's a trap. Improv has no sex appeal. (Kansas City examples: Full Frontal Comedy, Scriptease)

The "Vitalogy" method: Pick a name that sounds good, even if it doesn't mean anything. This method is named for a certain Pearl Jam album. (Kansas City examples: Anomaly Orange, Babel Fish)

The "Brainchild" method: Think of a really cool and clever name that the audience can figure out if they spent enough time thinking about it, even though they almost certainly won't do so. [Kansas City examples: Makeshift Militia (get it? It means "improv" "group"), Roving Imp (get it? backwards it's imp-roving)]

If none of these work for you, go to the drawing board with the vision you have for your team: how many people are you? what kind of improv are you doing? What is the first thing you want people to think when they here of you? What are some adjectives that would describe your troupe?

As a free bonus, here are some example names generated out of my own genius:

Scorpions with Crossbows
Zombie Jabberwocky
Captain Caboodle and the Big Wet Noodle
Ten Thousand Demons
Laughing Grass
Tzar Chasm
More Ray Eel
The Improvtastic Spectaculastic!
@@@ (Pronounced "at at at". If !!! can be a band, this is fair game)


  1. Tzar Chasm is unspeakably wonderful.
    If only we could get this guy to give it up:

  2. I had no idea Makeshift Militia meant "Improv Troupe." And I've spent A LOT of time thinking about it.

  3. I didn't know that Roving Imp rearranged became improving. I swear. I'm so smart I'm stupid.

  4. Wow, I too had no idea about the history behind the naming of MM & RI. Now I feel a little smarter and kinda stupider (for not seeing the connection) at the same time. Very cool.

    However Jokey the original post is, I am a strong believer that a "name" is the least important part of improv. For example look at, lets say, the Trip Fives. Awful name. Ed, Tim and I were huge into poker at the time and I thought of it while driving home from a game ("Trips" is another term for "3 of a kind" or a "set". An improv performance could also be called a "set". There was going to be five of us performing an improv "set". A "set" of "five". Trip Fives!!!! Yay, how stupid!!!) Your troupe could be called Coffee Table Rape and, as long as you are funny, people will come see you.

    That being said, I originally wanted to call ourselves Jesus Christ's Jug Band Christmas.
